Those of you who have been reading this blog for a long time or perhaps those who have been looking through the archives will notice that the date of this post is November 3rd. Originally, that was going to be the launch date for our Kickstarter Campaign but for many reasons it is not to be so. The largest of which was, Space Frontier was just not quite ready. Other reasons include the vacation of Undeadviking which would have brought him into conflict with out launch date and unable to have a review ready. I also discovered a cheaper but more labor/time intense printing method that saves John and I a lot of money, but isn't nearly as convenient. We've chosen to go with that because we are so desperately low on funds.
I wasn't nearly as prolific with updates in October as I was in September, but that was not because of lack of update material, rather the opposite. There has been SO much to do this last month that I've had little time to spend on the blog. I'm going to try to rectify that for November, but in the mean time, the prototype has continued to advance as the last pieces of art from Chris Pritchard pour into my inbox. While there is no new printed map or cards yet, they are in the process of being finalized, and there are also fantastic pieces from the mundane ore and asteroid to header images that are just plain beautiful. See the images below the break.
The prototype is far from complete, meaning that just about every "final" image that you see here is in fact still just a more advanced version of what is still our latest prototype. However, due to the continued improvement along the stages and the close proximity to our Kickstarter, it is likely that these images are all the ones that will be used to represent Space Frontier when it goes live for backers to decide if it is worth their pledge.
The game has come a LONG way since it's initial black and white square setup. The map and fleet card have been redone half a dozen times by now, and it's nice to look back and see just how bad things were when we started, and how good they are now that we're almost done.
Map Elements:
Generation 1:
Generation 2:

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