Sunday, September 29, 2013

12: A Day Late And A Dollar Short

So if you read the last post you'll notice that our goal was to have a post over at BoardGameGeek by Friday September 27.  And then we didn't.  While we were a day behind on that, John and I did get a chance to meet with Chris Prichard today and talk about several things, including but not limited to card templates for command missions as well as box cover specifics.  Afterwards John and I worked for about 5 hours tightening up the rulebook and preparing our BoardGameGeek post.  We may have been a day past schedule, but we got it done and up.

Here it is! Space Frontier over at BGG!

The post over at BoardGameGeek offers an introduction and a brief overview of what Space Frontier is, but the important stuff is buried at the bottom.  A link to the rules.  This is the 8th iteration of the rules as of this blog post, and each time they get more complete and better written and organized.  Still of a bit of a ways to go though.  Research tech is still incomplete and there's a few wrinkles that need ironing but for the most part, our core rules are set and ready to be scrutinized by the internet at large.  A very exciting and slightly nerve wracking time.

The next step is the print and play section of the game, which I will be spending the majority of Sunday September 29th preparing.  Hopefully by this coming Monday, anyone who has the time, a color printer, and some scissors will be able to make a copy of our prototype for themselves and take it for a spin.  Chris Pritchard has promised a new card template by Tuesday and new board elements by the end of the week, which I will likely be sharing on this blog.  Until then, I have sleep to catch up on to prepare for a busy Sunday.  I will be testing the game again on Wednesday over at Green Lake Games.  The last play-testing session I only found 1 person willing to play but got about a dozen interested for this next time.  I'm hoping I will be able to get my first game in with 4 players that have never played before.

Here's hoping.


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